Team Subscription: What to Expect

Are you transitioning from an individual subscription to a team subscription? Here are some of the most frequently asked questions and answers that will guide you through the process:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 🤔

1. How can I switch from an individual to a team subscription?

Switching to a team subscription is simple. Just click the "Save 40% - Change to team plan" button located at the top right corner of Motion's interface. You can make this change at any time during your individual subscription without needing assistance from customer service.

2. What happens to the payment on my individual subscription? Do I need to pay twice?

When you convert your individual subscription to a team subscription, you will be automatically charged, and we will initiate a pro-rated refund for your individual account within one business day. Please note that banks typically take 5-10 business days to process refunds.

3. Are the workspaces that I made privately on my individual subscription publicly available to my team?

No, the workspaces you created privately on your individual subscription remain private. You can manually share them with your team members by going to Settings > Team > Members.

4. Are the tasks that I made privately on my individual subscription publicly available to my team?

No, your privately created tasks will not be visible to your team members. You need to move them to a shared workspace for your teammates to see; they will live in your “My Tasks” workspace until you do so.

5. I added a member but they can’t access their account. Help!

You can reach out to Support via Intercom chat or email us at to fix this.

6. Can I see all my teammates' tasks in a team subscription?

Teammates can create tasks in private or public workspaces. You can only see tasks that have been added to public workspaces. However, you can use the “Team Schedules” view in the “Projects” tab to see your teammates' tasks across workspaces.

7. How many members can I add to my team?

You can add up to 50 members to your team. If you require more than 50 seats, please reach out to support for assistance.

8. How do I view my teammates’ calendars?

Toggle on their calendars in the “Frequently Met With” section. Their calendars must be shared with you; otherwise, your teammates' calendars will not appear in the calendar list.

9. How do I schedule a meeting with my coworkers, making sure it works with their schedules?

There are two ways to do this:

  • Meet with Teammates. In the Calendar tab, enter their emails in the text box to display their schedule on your Motion calendar. Pick a time that works best for everyone! This is recommended for internal meetings.

  • Booking. Schedule meetings with colleagues and external guests, by adding their emails to “Attendance requirements” in the booking link settings. The booking link will display the availability of both you and your colleagues.

10. Can I assign a task to multiple people?

I'm sorry, we can't do that right now, but it's part of our roadmap for 2024!

11. Can I customize team packages?

We have a bucket pricing model and, unfortunately, do not currently provide customized packages.

Last updated