Data Hierarchy: How Data is Structured in Motion (Task > Project > Folder > Workspace)

Note: This article assumes you've read "Creating a Task in Motion" and "Projects in Motion: Regular Projects vs Workflow Projects". If you haven't, we recommend starting there for foundational concepts.


Understanding Motion's data hierarchy is key to managing tasks, projects, and teams efficiently. Motion's structure follows a clear hierarchy:

Task → Project (optional) → Folder (optional) → Workspace

Each layer serves a specific purpose, from granular task management to high-level organizational visibility. This article will explain every layer, its role, and how it connects to the others, with real examples, images, and cross-references to relevant articles.

1. Tasks: The Smallest, Most Important Unit of Work

1.1 Definition

A task is the smallest unit of work in Motion. It represents an action or responsibility assigned to a single person, with clear timing and purpose.

1.2 Why Tasks Are the Starting Point in Motion

Tasks are the foundation of productivity in Motion. Every outcome begins with tasks.

Auto-Scheduling in Tasks:

Motion uses AI-powered auto-scheduling to manage tasks efficiently:

  • Automatically places tasks on your calendar.

  • Adjusts task timing based on dependencies and availability.

  • Prevents overlaps and prioritizes the most important work.


  • Task: "Prepare Q1 Presentation Deck"

  • Deadline: Friday, 5 PM

  • Motion automatically schedules it into your week, considering your existing workload, task priority and deadline. Motion will always do its best to help you meet your deadline.

1.3 Types of Tasks in Motion

Tasks fall into two main categories:

  1. Standalone Tasks:

  • Independent tasks that do not roll up into a project.

  • Quick, actionable tasks like: "Email client about contract terms."

  1. Project Tasks:

  • Tasks that are part of a larger project, contributing to specific goals.

  • Example: "Design landing page mockup" as part of "Website Redesign Project."

1.4 Key Data Characteristics of Tasks

  • Deadline-Driven: Every task has a duration, deadline, or time estimate.

  • Single Assignee: Tasks can only be assigned to one person.

  • Dependencies: Tasks can depend on others for sequential workflows.

  • Dynamic Scheduling: Tasks automatically adjust based on conflicts or changes.

1.5 Real-World Examples of Tasks in Motion

Example 1: Standalone Task

  • Task: "Follow up with supplier for invoice clarification."

  • Owner: Sarah

  • Deadline: Tomorrow at 3 PM

Example 2: Project Task

  • Project: "Launch Marketing Campaign"

    • Task: "Write campaign email copy" (Owner: Alex)

    • Task: "Schedule campaign launch" (Owner: Jamie)

1.6 How Tasks Connect to Projects, Folders, and Workspaces

Tasks can exist independently or roll up into projects, folders, and workspaces.

1.7 Troubleshooting Common Task Issues

  • Task Doesn't Fit the Calendar: Use the Resolve Issues Box (See: How to Resolve Task Conflicts here).

  • Task Scheduled After Deadline: Adjust task priority manually.

  • Task Not Visible on Calendar: Check your calendar filters: 'show completed tasks' and 'hide future tasks'. (Hint: if you've checked these filters and your task still isn't appearing, it is likely this task has auto-scheduling turned off.)

2.1 Definition

A project is a collection of related tasks working together toward a shared goal.

2.2 Projects Template Options in Motion

  • PWT (Project Workflow Template)

    • Pre-built templates for recurring workflows.

    • Tasks roll up into Stages, representing key milestones.

    • Stages Example:

      • Stage 1: Design

      • Stage 2: Development

      • Stage 3: Deployment

  • RT (Regular Project Template)

    • Custom projects created from scratch.

    • No predefined stages—tasks exist directly within the project.


Regular Project Template:

2.3 Why Projects Matter

  • Provide structure for task groups.

  • Enable milestone tracking.

  • Simplify collaboration and oversight.

3. Folders: Logical Grouping of Projects and Tasks

3.1 Definition

A folder is a higher-level structure that groups projects under themes or teams. (Note: projects can be moved into folders, but individual task cannot)

Example Folders:

  • Engineering: Frontend, Backend, Infrastructure

  • Marketing: Campaigns, Analytics

3.2 Folder Intelligence

4. Workspaces: The Top-Level Hub

4.1 Definition

A workspace is the highest layer, containing everything—tasks, projects, and folders.

4.2 Workspace Intelligence

Your workspace provides:

  • Team collaboration tools: invite team members to a shared workspace and work on projects together.

  • Resource allocation insights: ETA's and PWT stage-deadlines give your entire workspace team an insight into project resource requirements.

  • Cross-project visibility: using project views to track progress on ongoing workspace projects.

5. Final Takeaways:

  • Motion follows a hierarchy: Task → Project → Folder → Workspace.

  • Each layer serves a unique purpose.

  • Tasks form the foundation of all work.

  • Expedite project creation using PWTs or RTs depending on your needs.

  • Folders organize work logically.

  • Workspaces provide enterprise-wide visibility.

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