Connecting Your iCloud Calendar to Motion 📅 🔄

TL;DR: iCloud login will be supported for all Motion users by 12/31/2023.

To streamline your schedule management, you can easily connect your iCloud calendar to Motion. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Step 1: Log In to Motion 📲

Access your Motion account by visiting Motion's website or using the desktop app.

Step 2: Access Calendar Settings ⚙️

Click on the "Settings" option in the Motion dashboard.

Step 3: Add Calendar

Under the Calendar Settings section, locate the Add Account option. You will see a list of compatible calendar services like Google, Microsoft, and Apple.

Step 4: Choose iCloud ☁️

Click on Apple to select iCloud as your calendar service of choice.

Step 5: Apple ID Login 🍏🔑

A new window may appear with on-screen instructions or a video tutorial (if available). If not, follow the next steps.

Step 6: Visit Apple ID 🌐

Within the setup instructions, you'll find a hyperlink to Apple ID. Click on it.

Step 7: Login to iCloud 🌟

Log in to your iCloud account using your Apple ID, which is typically in the format of ''. Enter your password.

Step 8: Two-Factor Authentication 📱🔐

After logging in, you may receive a two-factor authentication code on your mobile device. Enter this code to verify your identity.

Step 9: Generate App-Specific Password 🔄🔐

Once logged in, you'll encounter a menu of options. Look for the one labeled 'App-Specific Passwords' and click on it.

Step 10: Copy the Password 📋🔑

Generate an app-specific password and copy it. This password is unique and will be used to link your iCloud calendar to Motion.

Step 11: Back to Motion 🏃‍♂️

Return to the Motion interface and click 'Next.' You should see a screen with two text boxes.

  • The top box is for your iCloud email (e.g., '').

  • The bottom box is where you paste the app-specific password you copied earlier (e.g., '1234-5689-abcd-efgh').

Step 12 A: Choose the Calendars for Task Scheduling Conflict Checks 📅🕒

Before you proceed, take a moment to select the calendars that Motion should consider when checking for scheduling conflicts. In this section, you can essentially instruct Motion to analyze these calendars and ensure that your tasks don't clash with existing commitments, such as meetings and events.

The calendars you choose here will be added to your "My Calendars" settings within Motion, so let's briefly explore what each section means:

  • Accounts: These are the calendars you own, and you can designate one of them as the default host for events. This default host is where Motion will schedule your tasks by default.

  • My Calendars: This includes all your ‘Accounts’ calendars and any other calendars you own. Here, you can manually set different hosts for specific events, giving you more control over your scheduling.

  • Frequently Met With: This section is for calendars shared with you. Calendars in this category are visible but do not directly impact your schedule.

Motion's AI uses the information from your selected calendars in the "Accounts" and "My Calendars" sections to intelligently auto-schedule tasks, avoiding conflicts with existing events. However, events from "Frequently Met With" calendars do not influence this scheduling.

Step 12 B: Create events/tasks on 📝✅

Once your calendar is added, scroll down to the bottom section, where you'll find:

This is where you select the calendar on which you want to create new events and tasks, especially if your iCloud calendar is your MAIN calendar. Here's a crucial tip: when making an event, such as clicking and dragging a time slot on the calendar and adding details like titles or conference links, the default host will be your iCloud calendar.

Additionally, for meetings, when you click on "Auto-scheduling" and choose to show tasks on an external calendar (typically the 2nd or 3rd option), your MAIN calendar is where these tasks will be hosted.

To sum it up, when you select "Create events/tasks on," and your MAIN calendar is your iCloud calendar (e.g.,, any new tasks and events you create within Motion will automatically populate that iCloud calendar.

By following these steps, your iCloud calendar will be seamlessly integrated into Motion. One key feature to remember is the bidirectional synchronization: any event created in Motion will appear in your linked iCloud calendar, and vice versa. However, the task sync is unidirectional, meaning it only goes from Motion to iCloud and not from iCloud to Motion.

Mobile Disclaimer: iCloud calendars cannot be added from Motion's mobile app.

Last updated