Exploring Color Customization in Motion: Enhancing Visual Organization

Color customization plays a significant role in enhancing visual organization and providing a personalized experience in task and event management tools. In this article, we'll delve into Motion's robust color customization features, allowing users to customize calendar and individual event colors to suit their preferences and optimize visual organization.

Task color-coding is not yet available. Stay tuned for updates!

Changing Calendar Color

To modify the color of a calendar, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the "Calendar" tab within Motion.

  2. Locate and identify the desired calendar in the Calendar List on the left and hover over it.

  3. Click on the three-dot icon that appears.

  4. A menu will appear showing a color palette - utilize the color palette provided to select a new color for the calendar.


By following these steps, users can easily modify the color of calendars, facilitating better categorization and differentiation of schedules.

Changing Event Color

Customizing event colors in Motion is equally straightforward. To change the color of an event, proceed as follows:

  1. Locate the specific event you wish to modify within Motion.

  2. Click on the event to access its details.

  3. Click on the color palette icon to open the color options.

  4. Select a new color from the palette to update the event's visual representation.


By adjusting event colors, users can visually categorize and differentiate various types of events, improving clarity and readability within their schedules.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) πŸ€”

Why can’t I change the color of my iCloud/Microsoft calendar events?

  • The option to customize event colors for iCloud (Apple) and Microsoft calendar events is not supported. However, you can choose to change the calendar colors by following the steps above on β€œChanging Calendar Color.”

How to change the color of tasks?

  • This feature isn't available yet.

Last updated