Creating Your First Project in Motion: Bringing Your Goals to Life

In Motion, creating your first project is an exciting step towards organizing and managing your tasks effectively.


Here's a simple guide to help you get started:

  1. Navigate to the "Projects" tab in Motion.

  2. Select the desired workspace where you want to create your project. For example, if you're part of the Marketing team, choose the "Marketing Projects" workspace.

  3. Click on "Add Project" to initiate the project creation process.

  4. Give your project a clear and descriptive name that reflects its goal or objective. For instance, if your project aims to launch a new marketing campaign, you can name it "New Campaign Launch."

  5. Add a brief description to provide more context and clarity about the project. This description can include the project's purpose, target audience, key milestones, or any other relevant information.

  6. Assign the project to the appropriate team members who will be responsible for its execution. You can easily add team members by entering their names or email addresses.

  7. Set a due date for the project to ensure a timeline for completion. This helps keep everyone on track and accountable for their tasks.

  8. Save your project, and it will be created within the selected workspace.

Now that you have created your project, it's time to add tasks and establish dependencies between them to ensure a smooth workflow.

Here's how:

  1. Within your project, click on "Add Task" to create individual tasks that contribute to the project's goal. For example, if your project is to launch a new marketing campaign, tasks can include "Develop campaign messaging," "Design marketing materials," or "Schedule social media posts."

  2. Assign tasks to team members who are responsible for their execution. You can set due dates, priorities, and any other relevant details for each task.

  3. To establish dependencies between tasks, use the "Blockers" feature in Motion. A blocker represents a task that needs to be completed before another task can begin. For example, if "Develop campaign messaging" needs to be completed before "Design marketing materials," create a blocker from the first task to the second.

  4. By creating blockers, you ensure that tasks progress in the right order and dependencies are met. This helps maintain a smooth workflow and prevents unnecessary delays.

  5. As you and your team complete tasks within the project, you can monitor the progress using the Kanban view in Motion. The Kanban board provides a visual representation of tasks in different stages, such as "To Do," "In Progress," and "Completed." This allows you to track the status of your project at a glance.

Creating your first project in Motion, adding tasks, and establishing blockers set the foundation for effective task management and goal achievement. With clear objectives, assigned tasks, and a structured workflow, you can stay organized, collaborate efficiently, and bring your goals to life with Motion's powerful project management features.

Example Project for a Solo Entrepreneur who owns a Consulting Business:

Project Name: Client Onboarding Process Optimization

Description: This project aims to streamline the client onboarding process to improve efficiency, enhance client satisfaction, and maximize business growth. The project involves analyzing and optimizing each step of the onboarding journey to ensure a smooth and seamless experience for clients.


  1. Develop a comprehensive client onboarding checklist.

  2. Create a standardized client intake form to gather necessary information.

  3. Design and implement an automated email sequence to guide clients through the onboarding process.

  4. Create a client welcome package with relevant resources and information.

  5. Establish clear communication channels to provide ongoing support and address client queries.

  6. Conduct a review and improvement process to identify bottlenecks and areas for optimization.

  7. Implement changes based on feedback and data analysis to continuously enhance the onboarding experience.

By completing this project, the solo entrepreneur can enhance their client onboarding process, ensure a positive client experience, and ultimately drive business growth.

Example Project for an Enterprise Product Team:

Project Name: New Feature Development - Collaboration Platform

Description: This project focuses on developing and launching a new collaborative feature for the company's internal communication and project management platform. The feature aims to enhance team collaboration, streamline workflows, and improve productivity within the organization.


  1. Conduct user research and gather requirements for the new feature.

  2. Collaborate with designers to create wireframes and prototypes.

  3. Develop and test the functionality of the feature.

  4. Integrate the new feature into the existing platform infrastructure.

  5. Conduct thorough quality assurance and testing to ensure a seamless user experience.

  6. Create documentation and provide training materials for users to adopt the new feature.

  7. Plan and execute a comprehensive launch strategy to promote the feature internally.

  8. Gather feedback from users and iterate on the feature based on their input.

By successfully completing this project, the enterprise product team can deliver a valuable new feature to their collaboration platform, enhance team productivity, and foster a culture of efficient and streamlined communication within the organization.

Last updated