Flows in Motion 🚀

Here's a video overview of how flows work in Motion

What are Flows? 🤔

Flows in Motion are sequences of repeatable project processes that can be automatically managed from start to finish. Motion AI handles the assignment and scheduling of tasks and stages within these flows, reducing the need for manual setup each time.

Why Use Flows? 🌟

  • Time Saver: Automates the repetitive setup process.

  • Stay on Track: Keeps projects and tasks organized.

  • Improves Efficiency: Streamlines project management by ensuring every task and stage is handled efficiently.

Accessing Flows

To access Flows in Motion:

  1. Go to Settings: In the bottom left, click into a workspace. Flows live at the workspace level, meaning they are specific to that workspace.

  2. Click Projects & Templates: Click on the "Projects & Templates" tab to access Flows.

Flow Components

  • Stages: Define the parts of your project. For example, in a software development flow, Stage 1 might be "Design", Stage 2 "Development & QA", and Stage 3 "Deployment".

  • Tasks: Within each stage, list the tasks. For example, in Stage 1 "Design", tasks might include "Design feature", "Get feedback", and "Finalize design".

  • Roles: Assign roles for each task. For example, in software development, roles might include "Backend Engineer" and "QA Engineer".

  • Variables: Use text placeholders for dynamic content. Example: "Customer Name".

  • Expected Durations: Estimate how long each stage will take.

  • Blockers: Define dependencies between tasks to ensure proper sequencing.

Sequential Stage Scheduling vs. Blockers

Sequential Stage Scheduling

This is the core of Flows. Stages in a project are scheduled one after the other. For example, if Stage A has Tasks 1, 2, and 3, and Stage B has Tasks 4, 5, and 6, Stage B will not start until all tasks in Stage A are completed. This ensures a structured progression through the project phases.

Why Sequential Scheduling is Crucial:

Imagine the old way of managing projects: Bob emails Sarah to check if the design phase is complete. Sarah then calls Mike to see if development can start. Mike schedules a Zoom call with the QA team to plan the next steps. This back-and-forth wastes time and resources. With Motion's AI, once the tasks in Stage 1 are completed, the tasks in Stage 2 are automatically scheduled. This reduces the need for constant communication and ensures a smooth, uninterrupted workflow.


Imagine a software development project:

  • Stage 1: Design (Tasks: Create wireframes, Design UI/UX, Review design)

  • Stage 2: Development & QA (Tasks: Develop backend, Develop frontend, Perform QA testing)

  • Stage 3: Deployment (Tasks: Deploy to staging, Conduct final testing, Deploy to production)

By the time Stage 1 is complete, the Motion AI will automatically transition to scheduling tasks in Stage 2, ensuring a smooth, uninterrupted workflow.


These are used to ensure specific tasks within the same stage are completed in the correct order. For example, Task 2 can be blocked by Task 1, meaning Task 2 won't be scheduled until Task 1 is completed. Blockers are particularly useful within a stage to maintain logical task progression.

Key Differences Between Sequential Scheduling and Blockers:

  • Sequential Scheduling: Ensures stages are scheduled one after the other, providing a clear, structured project timeline.

  • Blockers: Ensure tasks within the same stage are completed in the correct order, maintaining task dependencies within a stage.

In essence, stages are scheduled in a sequential order (one after another), providing a high-level structure to the project, while tasks within a stage can have blockers to ensure they are completed in the correct order.

Deploying a Flow

  1. Go to Projects Tab: Click the "Projects" tab in the workspace.

  2. Create a Project: Select the flow template to deploy.

  3. Set Project Details:

    • Name: Enter a project name.

    • Dates: Set the start date and deadline.

    • Roles: Assign roles to team members.

    • Text Variables: Replace placeholders with actual values.

Examples of Flows

Software Development Flow:

  • Design: Tasks include "Create wireframes", "Design UI/UX", and "Review design".

  • Development & QA: Tasks include "Develop backend", "Develop frontend", and "Perform QA testing".

  • Deployment: Tasks include "Deploy to staging", "Conduct final testing", and "Deploy to production".

Real Estate Flow:

  • Lead Generation: Tasks include "Create marketing materials", "Run ad campaigns", and "Follow up with leads".

  • Client Onboarding: Tasks include "Initial consultation", "Sign agreement", and "Gather client requirements".

  • Closing: Tasks include "Schedule closing", "Review documents", and "Finalize transaction".

Marketing Campaign Flow:

  • Planning: Tasks include "Brainstorm ideas", "Create campaign strategy", and "Set budget".

  • Execution: Tasks include "Design creatives", "Launch campaign", and "Monitor performance".

  • Analysis: Tasks include "Collect data", "Analyze results", and "Generate report".

Bakery Operations Flow:

  • Preparation: Tasks include "Plan menu", "Order ingredients", and "Prep kitchen".

  • Baking: Tasks include "Bake items", "Decorate items", and "Package items".

  • Sales: Tasks include "Setup sales counter", "Manage inventory", and "Handle transactions".

FAQ: Quick Questions, Quick Answers

🔍 How are stages different from blockers? Stages define parts of a project and are scheduled sequentially, while blockers set dependencies between tasks within the same stage to ensure they are completed in order.

🔍 How do stages and statuses intertwine? Stages represent the phases of a project, while statuses indicate the progress of tasks within those stages.

🔍 What differentiates Flows from regular projects? Flows are for recurring or repeatable work, while regular projects are typically one-time initiatives.

🔍 How many Flows can I integrate into one workspace? Unlimited.

🔍 Can solo users benefit from Flows? Yes, for example, a solo real estate agent can use a flow to manage the stages of client onboarding and transactions seamlessly.

Last updated