Integration Guides

Integrating Motion with Todoist

Integrating Motion with Todoist allows you to seamlessly manage your tasks across platforms. This article provides a step-by-step guide on connecting Motion with Todoist via Zapier. By following these instructions, you'll be able to synchronize your tasks and enhance your productivity.

Step 1: Set Up the Integration

  1. Log in to your Zapier account.

  2. Click on "Make a Zap" at the top of the page.

  3. Select "Todoist" as the trigger app.

  4. Choose the appropriate trigger event, such as "New Task" or "Task Completed."

  5. Connect your Todoist account to Zapier and test the trigger to ensure it fetches task data correctly.

Step 2: Configure the Action

  1. Choose "Motion" as the action app.

  2. Select "Create Task" as the action event.

  3. Connect your Motion account to Zapier.

  4. Set up the task data mapping, defining which information from Todoist tasks should be used to create tasks in Motion.

  5. Test the action to allow Zapier to create a test task in Motion using the fetched task data from Todoist.

Please note that Zapier may require a separate account, and certain limitations may apply based on the available features and integrations.

Last updated