The Projects Tab

πŸš€ Overview

The Projects tab in Motion is designed to help you manage and track ongoing projects and tasks with ease. It promotes collaboration and organization, making it an essential tool for boosting productivity in your work environment.

  • The Projects tab has a real hierarchy.

    • 🏒 Workspaces are large organizational buckets on the team level. You can permission which team members belong in workspaces. On the individual level, they serve as organizational tools.

      • Within the workspace exist and live πŸ“‚ Projects (think of these as overarching goals composed of multiple action items).

        • And then obviously the bread and butter of Motion is the task! πŸ“Œ

          • πŸ“ Tasks are primarily auto-scheduled (powered by our AI) action items that move around on your calendar and they sit within the project. Remember, tasks can be free and fixed on your calendar. Note that users who consistently make 20 new auto-scheduled tasks a week see significant, productive gains. πŸ’ͺ

🏒 Workspaces

Workspaces provide dedicated environments for organizing and managing tasks and projects. Whether you're working individually or as part of a team, workspaces ensure a structured and efficient approach to your work.

πŸ“‹ β€œMy Tasks” Workspace

β€œMy Tasks” is your personalized workspace where you can manage and organize tasks from various workspaces. It offers a personalized view of your assigned work and deadlines.

🀝 Shared Workspaces

Shared Workspaces facilitate collaboration among team members. You can work together on projects within these shared spaces, fostering efficient communication and coordination.

πŸ“‚ Projects

Projects are containers for related tasks, allowing you to organize work around specific goals. For example:

  • πŸ“’ Marketing Agency Example: Suppose you run a bustling marketing agency, "Marketing Marvels". You're handling a major project for a client with various teams assigned to different tasks. You can create a project named β€œClient X Campaign” to centralize tasks related to that specific campaign. This way, you can ensure that all tasks related to the campaign are organized and easily accessible.

πŸ“ Tasks

Tasks are the fundamental units of work in Motion, categorized as free, busy, and fixed, each with its own purpose and characteristics.

Adding Details to Projects and Tasks

Within the task and project modals, you can add:

  • πŸ“Š Task Details: Add specific information like due dates, priority levels, tags, and assignees.

  • πŸ“ Descriptions: Notes, agenda, progress, checklist, etc.

  • 🏞️ Image Attachments: Add photos or screenshots to provide visual context or reference materials. Keep in mind that right now, we only support these file types for attachments: PNG, JPEG, JPG, GIF, WEBP, and BMP.

  • ℹ️ Changelog: Keep track of changes made to the task or project over time.

  • πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» Commenting: Adding, Editing, and Deleting: Collaborate with teammates by leaving comments to discuss progress or provide updates.

  • πŸ“‹ Creating a Template from a Task/Project: You can easily copy common project setups and task configurations, making sure things stay consistent and efficient across all your workspaces.

Interactive Walkthrough to the Projects Tab

List View and Kanban View

On the Projects tab, we offer two types of views that you can utilize to better view your projects and tasks.

In the β€œList View”, tasks and projects are displayed in a straightforward list format, perfect for easy prioritization, setting deadlines, and task assignment.

On the other hand, the β€œKanban View” provides visual task management by organizing tasks into columns representing different workflow stages. This setup is ideal for tracking progress and maintaining clarity throughout your projects.

Let’s get into them further!

πŸ“‘ List View

  • πŸ–±οΈ Drag and Drop: You have the flexibility to manually reorder projects and workspaces with the drag-and-drop feature. For example:

  • πŸ“’ Marketing Agency Example: If you're managing a marketing project, you can drag and drop tasks between columns representing different stages of the project, such as 'Planning,' 'Execution,' and 'Review.' This allows you to adjust task priorities and stay organized as the project progresses.

  • πŸ“Š List View Columns: Columns provide essential details about tasks and projects, helping you stay organized. For instance:

Default Columns

  • 🎯 Priority: Indicates the importance of tasks.

  • πŸ“ˆ Status: Shows the current state of each task.

  • ⏰ Deadline: Shows when tasks are due and need to be completed.

  • πŸ—“οΈ Scheduled On: Shows when tasks are scheduled to be done.

  • πŸ‘€ Assignee: Specifies the owner of a task.

  • 🏷️ Labels: Indicates the tags used for tasks.

    • Other columns are: Completed Time, Duration, Blockers, Start Date, Created At, Updated At, Completed At, Created By, Project. We a

Auto-Scheduled Column Interpretations

  • πŸ’œ Purple date: The task will meet the deadline or is scheduled ahead of the deadline.

    • You’re all set!

  • πŸ”΄ Red date: The task will not meet the deadline or is scheduled past the deadline.

    • Use the "Resolve Issues" option if this task will miss its deadline (either by changing a task parameter like priority or moving the deadline date).

  • πŸš€ Future: The task is scheduled for a future date.

    • This task is not within Motion's rolling 30-day auto-scheduling window.

  • ❌ None: The task isn't auto-scheduled or couldn't fit into your schedule between now and the deadline (within the 30-day window).

    • Time to reprioritize this task!

πŸ“’ Marketing Agency Example for Columns: You can use columns like β€œPriority” and β€œStatus” to track the importance and progress of tasks within your marketing project. For high-priority tasks that need immediate attention, set the β€œPriority” column to β€œHigh” to ensure they are addressed promptly!

πŸ‘€ Custom Views

You have two main views at your disposal:

  • 🌐 Public View: Displays all uncompleted tasks and projects without filters, and this view is visible to all members of the workspace.

  • πŸ”’ Private View: Create custom views that are visible only to you, providing a personalized experience. For instance:

    • πŸ“’ Marketing Agency Example (Public View): You can create a public view called β€œClient X Campaign Progress” that displays all tasks related to the campaign. This view can be shared with your team members so everyone stays on the same page regarding campaign progress.

    • πŸ“’ Marketing Agency Example (Private View): In your private view, you can set up a custom filter that shows only high-priority tasks across all your projects. This way, you have a personalized view of tasks that require your immediate attention.

πŸ“Š Kanban View

Example: Marketing Agency

Suppose you run a busy marketing agency, "Marketing Marvels." You're handling a major project for a client with various teams assigned to different tasks. You can use the Kanban View like this:

πŸš€ Project Briefing and Task Allocation:

  • Create task columns like β€œPlanning”, β€œExecution”, and β€œReview” to represent the project's stages.

  • Move tasks through these columns to track their progress and reflect their status.

🎯 Priority-based Kanban Board:

  • Group tasks by priority in Kanban columns (e.g., ASAP, High, Medium, Low).

  • When moving task cards between columns, updates in task parameters dynamically adjust the calendar schedule, enhancing scheduling efficiency.

    • Our AI auto-scheduling is live and responsive! 🏎️

Team Schedule (only available for users on a Team Plan):

A bird's-eye view of your team's entire week, with each person’s tasks and commitments laid out clearly!

Custom Fields

This allows you to specify specific fields. These are data points that you can tie to your tasks or projects, such as dates, URLs, multiselect options, and person.

Last updated