Gantt Charts in Motion 📊

What is a Gantt Chart? 🤔

A Gantt chart is a visual project management tool that displays tasks over a timeline, illustrating project schedules and progress. It helps teams track progress, manage deadlines, and allocate resources effectively by providing a clear overview of a project's timeline. By offering a bird's eye view of tasks and their durations, Gantt charts facilitate better planning and coordination in complex projects.

Why Gantt Charts in Motion? 🚀

Gantt charts in Motion tie projects together, giving you a comprehensive view. They allow you to see how different tasks and projects interconnect over time, making it easier to manage resources, track progress, and adjust timelines as needed. With Motion's Gantt charts, you can visualize your entire workflow, identify potential bottlenecks, and ensure your team stays on track.

To access the Gantt chart in Motion:

Go to the Projects Tab:

  • Navigate to the "Projects" tab.

  • Click into a workspace or the "All Tasks" workspace (which includes all projects and tasks across all workspaces).

Select the Gantt Tab:

  • At the top of the page, there are three tabs:

    • List: Think of it as an Excel table of your projects and tasks.

    • Kanban: A Kanban board for visualizing workflow.

    • Gantt: A timeline for your projects.

  • Click on the Gantt tab.

Overview of Projects:

You should see an overview of the projects across all workspaces (if you're in the "All Tasks" workspace).

Group By Criteria and Gantt Charts 🗂️

The "Group By" criteria is crucial in Motion as it determines how your projects are displayed on the Gantt chart. Here's how it works:

  • Group by Assignee: Projects are grouped by the person responsible.

  • Group by Status: Projects are grouped by their status (e.g., completed, to-do, in progress, backlogged).


  • Grouping by Assignee will show projects assigned to each person.

  • Grouping by Status will show projects based on their current status.

Understanding the Gantt Chart UI 🖥️

Color Coding Projects: The color of a project corresponds to the task's color within the project in your calendar tab.

  • Past projects have a lighter, more whited-out palette.

  • In your left-hand sidebar, within your options dropdown, the project UI block color corresponds to the color of the project in your Gantt view, of course.

Using the Sort By Criteria: The "Sort By" criteria control the order of your Y-axis.

  • If grouped by assignee, you can rearrange the order of the assigned tasks using the "Sort By" control.

Jumping Forward and Back: Projects that exist in the past or future (not currently in view) can be jumped to. They are written with their title on them, and you can jump to them by clicking on the title.

Different Timeframes in Gantt 🗓️

We offer multiple views in the Gantt chart to suit different planning needs:

  • Monthly View: For shorter-term planning.

  • Quarterly View: For medium-term planning.

  • Yearly View: For long-term planning.

Each view allows you to see your projects on different scales, and you can use the "Jump to Date" or "Jump to Today" functions to navigate quickly through time.

Editing and Managing Projects ✏️

You can edit a project by directly clicking on the project bar within the Gantt chart view.

This opens the project modal, where you can update project descriptions and task lists on the right-hand side.

  • Dragging Projects: Change the due dates or timeframe of a project by dragging the project block from left to right.

Currently, Gantt chart editing is in beta, so moving a project from left to right doesn't automatically update the task deadlines, but this feature will be available soon.

Adding a Project from Scratch 🆕

Within the Gantt chart editor, you can add a project from scratch by clicking on the blank space (or black space if you're in dark mode).

Things to Consider When Creating a Project in the Gantt Chart View 📝

  • Ensure the workspace and assignee are set correctly.

Creating Gantt Chart Views 👀

You can create Gantt chart views to organize your timeline and projects the way you like. Here are a few recommended views:

Group by Deadline > by Month > by Assignee > by Priority:

  • This view shows what is happening each month, what each person is doing, and their work stack ranked by priority.

Group by Workspace > by Status:

  • See all projects across all teams by their statuses.

Additional Features 🔧

  • Hiding Empty Rows: Use the button to hide rows that don't have any projects, which helps in decluttering.

  • Condense Button: Condense your view for less vertical scrolling.

Frequently Asked Questions about Gantt Charts ❓

  • Is the Gantt chart available for teams only?

    • No, the Gantt chart is not just for teams.

  • Can I see tasks in the Gantt chart?

    • No, the Gantt chart is just for project items and roadmaps.

  • Can I color code in the Gantt chart?

    • Yes, you can color code in the Gantt chart by clicking the three-dot icon after hovering over the project.

Last updated