Managing Workspaces: Private, Public, and My Tasks

๐Ÿ”’ Private Workspaces

Need to keep personal projects separate? Whether it's managing a โ€œHome Renovationโ€ or organizing a โ€œSide Hustle,โ€ private workspaces are the answer. Here's how:

  1. Click on "Projects" and then on "+" in the left sidebar to create a new workspace.

  2. Your newly created workspace is exclusively yours, providing a secure space for managing personal or non-work-related tasks.

  3. You can manage access to this workspace in the โ€œTeamโ€ section, ensuring privacy and control over who can view or edit your tasks.

๐ŸŒ Shared Workspaces

Collaborate seamlessly with shared workspaces in Motion. For example, if you're launching a new product with your marketing team, create a โ€œProduct Launchโ€ workspace, invite team members, and everyone can access tasks and projects.

You can manage your Workspace access by following these steps:

  1. Go to Settings.

  2. On the left pane, youโ€™ll see โ€œWorkspaces.โ€

  3. Select the workspace youโ€™d like to modify.

  4. Under โ€œMembers,โ€ click on โ€œ+Add Memberโ€ and then select the person youโ€™d like to add to the workspace.

  5. To revoke a memberโ€™s access to the workspace, simply click the trash bin icon next to their name.


๐Ÿ‘ค My Tasks Workspace (Includes Private and Shared tasks)

โ€My Tasksโ€ in Motion is your personalized task dashboard, consolidating all assignments regardless of their source.

For instance, imagine you're in a sales team and have a task in the shared โ€œSales'โ€ workspace to finalize a proposal. This task, though in a public workspace, appears in your โ€œMy Tasksโ€ too. This ensures you have a comprehensive view of all your responsibilities, from collaborative projects to individual tasks.

Motion's distinction between shared workspaces, โ€œMy Tasks,โ€ and private workspaces provides flexibility for collaborating on team projects, tracking individual tasks, and managing personal responsibilities, all in one place.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) ๐Ÿค”

How can I add members and give them access to certain workspaces?

  • You can check out this article for more information: Team Management: Adding and Removing Members

Why canโ€™t I assign tasks to my member?

  • This situation occurs when a member lacks access to the workspace where the task is from. TL;DR: Tasks can only be assigned to members if they originate from a public or shared workspace.

    • Example 1 - Task A was created in My Tasks; so, it isnโ€™t possible to assign it to them because it's from your personal workspace.

    • Example 2 - Task B is located in a shared workspace called "Human Resources." You canโ€™t assign your team member the task if they donโ€™t have the permissions to access it. You can fix it in Settings > Team > Members.

Why canโ€™t I add my teammate to a workspace?

  • It could be that they arenโ€™t part of your team yet, and youโ€™re trying to add them directly to a workspace. In such cases, it's advisable to first add them and then adjust their workspace access accordingly.

Last updated