Motion for Marketing Agencies and Teams


As a marketing agency, efficient organization and collaboration are vital to success. Motion's workspaces empower your team to streamline project management and boost productivity. Let's explore two workspace options that fit your agency's workflow and learn how to overcome project blockers for seamless campaign execution.

Option 1: Client-Centric Workspaces

Create dedicated workspaces for each client to centralize project information. Name the workspaces after clients and use project folders to manage campaigns. This approach ensures clarity, easy access to assets, and streamlined communication. Within each workspace, your team can collaboratively plan, execute, and track the progress of client campaigns.

Option 2: Campaign-Based Workspaces

Structure workspaces around marketing campaigns rather than individual clients. Create campaign workspaces and organize projects within them. This approach offers a holistic view of your marketing efforts, simplifies collaboration, and enhances efficiency. Your team can focus on campaign-specific tasks, ensuring a seamless workflow from planning to execution.

Overcoming Project Blockers: Streamlining Workflow and Collaboration

Blockers are a powerful feature within Motion's Projects and Tasks workspace, designed to ensure task dependencies and maintain a synchronized workflow. By setting task dependencies using blockers, you can achieve the following:

  1. Efficient Task Progression: Blockers act as gatekeepers, guiding your team through the project journey. For example, if Task 1 is dependent on Task 2, Motion ensures that Task 2 is automatically rescheduled if there is a delay with Task 1. This prevents scheduling conflicts and keeps your team on track.

  2. Seamless Collaboration: Blockers facilitate effective coordination among team members. With clear task dependencies, your team can work together seamlessly, knowing which tasks are dependent on others and prioritizing their efforts accordingly. This reduces miscommunication and improves overall collaboration.

Example: Overcoming Blockers in a Social Media Campaign

Let's imagine your marketing agency is launching a social media campaign for a client. Here's an example of a 5-task project and how blockers can help overcome potential obstacles:

  1. Content Creation - Your team creates engaging and compelling social media content for the campaign.

  2. Graphic Design - Once the content is finalized, the graphic design team creates eye-catching visuals to accompany the posts.

  3. Scheduling Posts - After the content and graphics are ready, the social media manager schedules the posts on various platforms.

  4. Performance Monitoring - As the campaign progresses, the analytics team monitors the performance and engagement of the posts.

  5. Reporting - At the end of the campaign, the team prepares a comprehensive report, analyzing the campaign's success and areas for improvement.

By setting task dependencies using blockers, you can ensure a smooth workflow and timely execution of tasks. For instance, Task 2 (Graphic Design) can be set as a blocker for Task 3 (Scheduling Posts), ensuring that scheduling is not started until the graphics are ready. If there's a delay in Task 2, Motion automatically adjusts the schedule for Task 3, keeping your team in sync and maintaining a seamless campaign flow.


Motion's workspaces provide marketing agencies with powerful tools to enhance collaboration, streamline project management, and overcome project blockers. By adopting client-centric or campaign-based workspaces and leveraging the blockers feature, your team can achieve seamless workflow and improved productivity.

Last updated